增长黑客Tip1 : 企业免费文化衫


     举例说明(Example of Use):

     下面是一些真实的免费企业文化衫的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of the Free Company T-Shirt):

      如何实现这个新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):







     The word “free” is one of the most persuasive and powerful words in the English language. In business, it’s a great word to use when it comes to marketing to people. People love the idea of getting free stuff. One of the best and easiest ways you can build brand awareness, boost customer loyalty, and grow your business is by giving away free company swag. But take note: not all swag is created equal. Don’t make the mistake of wasting money on stuff that the average person ultimately just ends up throwing into a junk drawer and forgetting about— like notepads, pencils, stress balls, etc. Give away free t-shirts instead. Why? Because people will actually wear them.

     How To Implement This Tip:

     Step 1: Create a few initial design options for your company t-shirt. Once you’ve decided on a final design, have your first batch of shirts made and sent to you using an online retailer or local brick-and-mortar shop.

     Step 2: Start sending or giving your new t-shirts out to friends, prospects, social media followers, customers, and anyone else who requests one. Want to go the extra mile? Automate the entire process using one of the recommended tools listed below.

     Step 3: Follow up with everyone and ask them to send you photos of themselves wearing your t-shirt, or have them share it with you on Facebook or Twitter. Collect the photos and put them on a page on your website.

