增长黑客Tip16 :惊喜之一

Author Tanmer Tanmer
Tanmer · 2024-10-18发布 · 31 次浏览



     举例说明(Example of Use):

     下面是一些社交日历策略的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of Guest Post Outreach Email Templates):

      如何实现这个新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):







   One of the most effective ways to boost website traffic, build brand buzz, and connect with new potential customers online is by guest posting on other popular and reputable blogs around the web. That being said, you have to do it right. For guest posting to be helpful in any way to your and your business, you have to choose opportunities wisely. A good way to do so is by thinking not in terms of the new links you could get as a result of your efforts, but in terms of the new relationships you could establish instead. Want to avoid sending out cold guest post requests to people? Stand out by mentioning them in a blog post on your site first before sending your request. Not only will it perk their interest, it will show them that you’re interested in relationships, not links.

   How To Implement This Tip:

   Step 1: Use Buzzsumo and Twitter to make a list of potential blogs you’d like to write a guest post on. Look for blogs that relate to your industry or target audience. Only choose reputable blogs that regularly update their site with new posts. Find email addresses for the person you’d like to send your guest post request to.

   Step 2: Read a few blog posts that have been recently published on the site you want to guest post on. Jot down the topics covered on the blog, the writing style, and anything else you notice. Come up with 3-5 topic ideas.

   Step 3: Mention the company, site, or person you want to work with somewhere in your next blog post. Then send an email to the contact you found and share the post with them. Add in your guest post pitch and see if they bite.


增长黑客 增长黑客

增长黑客,是由探码科技发起的专门针对初创企业的营销模式,我们的宗旨是专注于互联网可持续增长营销模式。如今传统的团队管理和计划方式,已经无法满足缩短到几个月的产品周期, 互联网行业的营销模式也几近混乱,而增长黑客的突起,正是来帮助你快速试错和教你如何利用新兴的增长机会推广产品。我们开发目的驱动的产品,是为了帮助团队实现他们的增长目标。所以,增长黑客不仅仅是一套营销工具,更是一套初创互联网企业不可不知的新型营销哲学。

增长黑客Tip2 : 受欢迎的电子邮件

增长黑客Tip2 : 受欢迎的电子邮件


Author 127
By Tanmer